Sunday, July 31, 2005

Something Happy

My daughter and I have a great relationship for the most part...she is funny, pretty, and all the things that I could have been had my mother not been such a PSYCHO!! I have endeavored to make her happy more often than not, and tried to give her the freedom to express whatever enters her head...even though that has bitten me on the gluteous maximus many times.
We were bantering back and forth in the kitchen while I was slicing cheese for her late night snack. We got on the subject of the worms I ate at the company 4th of July party a couple of years ago...I told her that mommy was a free spirit. Her exact reply was, "I hope your free spirit comes with a manual next time so I know how to handle it"...I laughed so hard I almost cut myself!!
She is such an amazing amalgam of qualities...spoiled and giving, fearless and timid, my bestest little pal and the bane of my days (although that doesn't happen often). I hope we can keep some measure of this relationship into her teen years and beyond. I know that all teenagers sprout many heads, akin to Medusa's snakes, but as long as I can see a glimmer of this amazing girl every now and then, it will all be OK.
As much as motherhood has brought so many trials and tribulations, I can't imagine not having been blessed with this experience.


At 6:36 AM, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

I cannot wait until Laney and I can TALK! I had two sisters and my mom fostered that type of frankness with each of us. We told her (and tell her still) EVERYTHING. It is possible to keep that relationship into her teens. Good luck and God be with you!

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

I, too, look forward to conversations with my daughter. I bet it is amazing to have a friendship like that with a person you formed inside of you.

My mother was a psycho, too by the way - lol.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Mel said...

love your blog Angel! :) And I have spent many a happy (drunken) day/night in Lakeland. And I'm on lots of drugs. Hmmmm. ;)


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